
university project

Page history last edited by Gregorios Pharmakis 15 years, 8 months ago

pharmakis text for the talk on pharmakis university


congress title: "concepts of philosophy in architectural education"


pharmakis university

modes of working


-- synchronized pharmakis


συνάντηση φοιτητών σκηνοθετημένη από εμάς










the twin drive-in condition as education space.

there is an enface, oppositional condition which is denied by a common surface-fictif [...]




X   X   X                         X     X    X


X   X   X   X       |       X    X    X    X


X   X   X   X       |       X    X    X    X


X     X    X                                   X      X      X





the condition is easy to describe and difficult to organize

the set of people and talks are difficult to precise. the being together condition maybe it will be better with laptops connected.


images from these bar wagons?


gf links this page to the hospi-table blog



there are certain resaturant or bar wagons that have a parallel table, used as a sitting for the bar. We have maybe to find and organize this.


the table edges are to be formed with the gf actors in a single move. Maybe the train is a good example but more a wagon that would be voided and then a "table" should be put in parallel to the movement:




moving train window >>>



_____________________________________________________________   table


  X           X           X            X           X           X           X           X          X    people sitting and talking one by one



GF would have then to empty a train wagon which will be difficult for the person to organize.



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On 2/17/07, Gregorios Pharmakis wrote:


What I meant was the impossibility of constructing an evaluative speech on difference that can lead us to a concern. The hospi of the hospi-table seems crucial here, the table-edges-exiting points. This is difficult, since it touches on the frame.

See the paradigm that I put just now in hospi-table, JL Nancy in a non-parallel sitting, speaks on the difficult situation of the intrusion and the non-intended, in the context of an abnormal position as to the movement of the train. the tables are two very small tables attached to the window, and an intruder is then coming then to sit.


At 07:47

�� 17/2/2007, you wrote:

There is something to think about difference while seated around a table. GF is always thrilled for the parallel seating, when the faces of her actors do not see each other. But to seat around a table or in front of the table or in parallel on one side of the table and talk or hear is a new project that the person undertakes. No difference is not enough as starting point.



On 2/17/07, Gregorios Pharmakis

> wrote:

the live table is the surface of the live session, social linking is a [problematic] condition, a factual condition. GF does not care at all about quality, difference, etc.

At 09:28 �� 17/2/2007, you wrote:

ow can we generate different voices though?

On 2/16/07, Gregorios Pharmakis 


yes, this table, as a live table, a sort of copy of the existing hospi-table.

At 07:01 �� 16/2/2007, you wrote:

correct: then hospi-table is a first attempt to sit in a new sort of table? if yes it is this table that we have to invent in cairo or elsewhere...

On 2/16/07, Gregorios Pharmakis

> wrote:

Pharmakis Education Project comes at a crucial moment in the context of general re-orientation of educational systems in europe.

At 03:27 �� 16/2/2007, you wrote:

maybe a new wiki page for 

On 2/16/07, Gregorios Pharmakis

> wrote:

where does the reglementation of the pharmakis universityhas to be written?

A university is a very concrete structure there's a need of definition about WHY  pharmakis will be identified to such a structure and how will he be identified...


On 2/16/07, Gregorios Pharmakis wrote:

na prepei na ton grapsoume kapou

At 03:15 �� 16/2/2007, you wrote:

an einai sxoleio mas xreiazetai o kanonismos tote

On 2/15/07, Gregorios Pharmakis

> wrote:

skepsou oti o Farmakis mporei na einai ena sxoleio. Mporei ennoo na leitourgisei os Farmakis Center for Pharmakean Studies. Afti einai. To sxoleio organonei sessions ergasion sto Kairo, sto Parisi kai allou.


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